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Social Security Disability Referral

Social Security Disability Attorneys in Wasilla, Alaska

A percentage of every paycheck goes toward the U.S. government's Social Security Disability Insurance program. This program provides financial support to individuals with disabilities who can no longer work. In essence, it acts as a safety net, returning a portion of the taxes you've paid throughout your career to help cover expenses during a time of need.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for valid claims to be unjustly denied. While most claims are rejected the first time, the appeals process can also be equally as complicated. To effectively prove your disability claim, Denali Law Group's social security attorneys can provide you with the expert legal guidance you deserve.

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Focus on Your Well-Being, We'll Take Care of the Fight

Facing a denied SSDI claim in Alaska can be overwhelming, but you can go through the appeals process with help. Denali Law Group has a network of experienced Alaska-based attorneys ready to fight for your rights. We understand the complexities of the reconsideration and appeals stages, and our partners have a proven track record in securing the benefits you're entitled to.

Social Security Disability FAQs

What Do SSDI and SSI Mean?

Both programs are administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to provide financial assistance, but they have distinct eligibility requirements and benefits.

  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): This program is like an insurance policy funded by a portion of your paycheck through Social Security taxes. If you become disabled and meet the work history requirements, SSDI provides monthly payments to help replace lost income. To qualify, your disability must be severe enough to prevent you from working full-time for at least one year or be expected to result in death.
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Unlike SSDI, SSI is a need-based program. It provides monthly cash payments to low-income individuals who are blind, aged (65 or older), or disabled, regardless of work history. To be eligible, your income and resources must fall below a certain threshold set by the SSA.

In short, SSDI is for individuals with disabilities who have a sufficient work history, while SSI is for those with limited income and resources, regardless of work history, but with a qualifying disability or age.

Why Was My Social Security Claim Denied?

If your social security claim was denied, you're in the majority. Social Security disability applications face an average of 70 percent denial rate upon initial evaluation.

This decision is based on various factors, such as applying for a condition that does not meet the criteria, income is more than the substantial gainful activity rate, or a lack of proper medical documentation.

Can I Appeal a Denied Social Security Disability Claim?

Yes, you can appeal a denied Social Security disability claim. The appeals process has several levels, and our Social Security appeal lawyers can guide you through each stage. This includes submitting additional medical evidence, requesting a reconsideration of your case, and attending hearings.

Having an experienced lawyer by your side can significantly increase your chances of a successful appeal.

What Are Common Disabling Conditions That Receive Benefits?

To receive disability benefits, an individual must establish that they are disabled. Some of the common disabling conditions include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Diabetes
  • Learning disabilities
  • Psychological disorders
  • Arthritis
What Do Disability Lawyers Do?

Disability lawyers act as your advocate throughout the entire application process for Social Security disability benefits. They can be especially helpful with navigating appeals in the case of a denial. Here's how a disability lawyer can assist you:

  • Case Evaluation: They will assess your situation to determine if you meet the Social Security Administration's (SSA) criteria for disability. This includes reviewing your medical records and work history.
  • Application Assistance: Disability lawyers can help you complete the complex application forms and ensure you submit all the necessary documentation to strengthen your claim.
  • Representation at Hearings: If your application is denied, a disability lawyer can represent you at a hearing before an administrative law judge to argue your case for benefits.
Do I Need an SSI Disability Lawyer?

While an SSI disability lawyer is not mandatory for filing an initial SSI claim, their expertise can be invaluable, especially if your claim is denied. Here's why an SSI disability lawyer can be beneficial:

  • Understanding Eligibility: SSI benefits are based on income and resources, unlike SSDI, which focuses on work capability. An SSI lawyer can ensure you meet the specific requirements and help gather necessary financial documentation.
  • Medical Evidence: Building a strong case for SSI disability requires thorough medical evidence proving your condition limits your ability to perform daily activities. An SSI lawyer can guide you in obtaining the right documentation and effectively communicate the impact of your disability.

To understand your eligibility, contact Denali Law Group for a consultation with our SSI disability lawyers. We'll explore the best course of action for securing the benefits you deserve.

Why Choose Denali Law Group Disability Attorneys?

Denali Law Group has over 75 years of combined experience, with our Social Security disability attorneys helping Alaskans secure the benefits they deserve.

We understand the Social Security Disability process and are committed to your rights throughout every stage. With two conveniently located offices in Wasilla, Anchorage and Matanuska Valley, Denali Law Group fights for you.

Let us protect your rights, reputation, and freedom today.

Request a Consultation Today

Put our legal team in your corner. Request a consultation with an Alaska disability lawyer today by filling out our online form below or call us at (907) 357-5297.

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